Quick WordPress Tips

Jan 07, 2010

As a site owner and a site designer I know how easy it is to forget regular maintenance tasks.  Consider this your reminder:

  • Update your wordpress version.  Make sure you back up your site files first.  Easy to do with a back up plugin or through your host.
  • Update your plugins.  Check the plugin forum or website first to see if there are any issues reported with the update.  A google search will help too.
  • Check your site in all the major browsers.  IE is notorious for messing things up…
  • Do you monitor your sites uptime? Might be a good idea.
  • Have you made a backup lately?  If you just read this you better do it now 😉
  • Are your images optimized? They should be as small as possible for better loading times.
  • Is your xml sitemap updated.  That could be useful?
  • Who are you pinging everytime you write a post?
  • Does your site have a clear call to action?
  • Is the look and functionality still credible or do you need an upgrade?

That’s a quick list of reminders for you to have the best possible wordpress site.