As the world of Search Engine Optimization rapidly changes and evolves, we are finding it necessary to update our strategy on a more frequent basis. With the new Penguin and Panda algorithms in the picture, it is evident that social media will be more important to small business page ranking then ever before.
Having a presence in social media is no longer optional and you can expect that using Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, etc. to communicate with your customer base will become an extremely important way that you will do business. Having a website or social media presence,e that consistently shows up in the top 10 search results, will not only be sought after but could very well become necessary for business success in the future.
With an eye toward search engine ranking, here are some valuable tips for achieving that top spot in the search results:
Pay Attention To Social Signals
Now that Google’s analytics monitor social signals, it is very important that you pay close attention to these numbers. Keeping an eye on the number of visits, shares, likes, etc. will enable you to better determine how to focus your social media strategy. These tools can be very helpful by gathering this information for you so make sure they are being used.
Content Is King
This has not changed and the search engines continue to love a fresh and updated website. The blog is the still the best method of providing that fresh content. Take it a step further and actively promote your website on industry similar sites and blogs but be careful not to spam, only offer useful, valuable and relevant information. In doing so, you can expect their users to follow you back to your page for more.
Quality Content Is Key
As mentioned before, sharing useful information and developing a solid online presence that others can come to depend on, will mean that your content is shared and liked which signals Google that you are a valued and sought after source of information. Make sure that the information you share is easy to understand and friendly, and your users will reward you by sharing your site with the people they care about. Make sure that you are making a real contribution to the conversation.
Google Searches & Google
While Google+ does not enjoy the following that is achieved by Facebook, it makes sense that the analytics and usage data they need would be easier farmed from their own platform. Because they continue to show signs of growth, this is an arena that should not be overlooked. As long as Google is used by the majority of internet searchers, they should be taken seriously.
Give Good Counsel
Giving your visitors information that they can really use, while at the same time promoting your business, can be a balancing act. Create a brand champion by giving good advice and follow up and you will find yourself with a new customer that wants to tell others about you and your product.
When you are investigating the world of social media marketing and need more information about SEO, we would like to invite you to contact us. We are familiar with doing business in West Palm Beach and SEO development for this unique area is what we do best.
When Your West Palm Beach Business Needs An SEO Boost
As the world of Search Engine Optimization rapidly changes and evolves, we are finding it necessary to update our strategy on a more frequent basis. With the new Penguin and Panda algorithms in the picture, it is evident that social media will be more important to small business page ranking then ever before.
Having a presence in social media is no longer optional and you can expect that using Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, etc. to communicate with your customer base will become an extremely important way that you will do business. Having a website or social media presence,e that consistently shows up in the top 10 search results, will not only be sought after but could very well become necessary for business success in the future.
Pay Attention To Social Signals
Now that Google’s analytics monitor social signals, it is very important that you pay close attention to these numbers. Keeping an eye on the number of visits, shares, likes, etc. will enable you to better determine how to focus your social media strategy. These tools can be very helpful by gathering this information for you so make sure they are being used.
Content Is King
This has not changed and the search engines continue to love a fresh and updated website. The blog is the still the best method of providing that fresh content. Take it a step further and actively promote your website on industry similar sites and blogs but be careful not to spam, only offer useful, valuable and relevant information. In doing so, you can expect their users to follow you back to your page for more.
Quality Content Is Key
As mentioned before, sharing useful information and developing a solid online presence that others can come to depend on, will mean that your content is shared and liked which signals Google that you are a valued and sought after source of information. Make sure that the information you share is easy to understand and friendly, and your users will reward you by sharing your site with the people they care about. Make sure that you are making a real contribution to the conversation.
Google Searches & Google
While Google+ does not enjoy the following that is achieved by Facebook, it makes sense that the analytics and usage data they need would be easier farmed from their own platform. Because they continue to show signs of growth, this is an arena that should not be overlooked. As long as Google is used by the majority of internet searchers, they should be taken seriously.
Giving your visitors information that they can really use, while at the same time promoting your business, can be a balancing act. Create a brand champion by giving good advice and follow up and you will find yourself with a new customer that wants to tell others about you and your product.
When you are investigating the world of social media marketing and need more information about SEO, we would like to invite you to contact us. We are familiar with doing business in West Palm Beach and SEO development for this unique area is what we do best.