With the introduction of handy devices such as mobile phones, tablets, internet-TVs, all kinds of form factors for laptops and PCs, the traditional way of designing a website changed dramatically. The concept of a responsive web design was introduced in order to respond to the browsing needs of the users with different devices. Actually the design should respond to the needs of the end user and not just to the device he is using.
For example, there are designs that when used with an Ipad, adopts nicely by increasing the size of the buttons so that the user can use it easily with his fingers. When the resolution of the device is not big enough, less important content is placed below the fold etc. This seems great but a design not only needs to respond to the devices of the users but also to the needs of the users. A real responsive web design works to satisfy the end users. For example, if you are in an airline business and you know from prior visits that a customer does not own a car than there is no need to provide information on how and where to park his car. Why remove flight arrivals information if you know that the visitor wants to pick a passenger from the airport? There is no need to show him a big reservation visit if he has already booked a flight.
Having a responsive web design in place is great step. But the design should be REALLY RESPONSIVE to the needs of the users besides being responsive to the devices they are using. So this is a call-to-action for all designers out there: get to know the visitors of the sites you are designing for, try to determine his or her wishes, her customer journey, and make beautiful designs that respond to that!
The professionals at WebManna Website Design and Marketing are experienced in providing complete solution to all your design and web marketing problems. All you need is to go ahead give them a call. They are always happy to talk with anyone regarding marketing. No pressure, no expectations, just the opportunity to hear what you are up to and see how they can support you.
Responsive web design
For example, there are designs that when used with an Ipad, adopts nicely by increasing the size of the buttons so that the user can use it easily with his fingers. When the resolution of the device is not big enough, less important content is placed below the fold etc. This seems great but a design not only needs to respond to the devices of the users but also to the needs of the users. A real responsive web design works to satisfy the end users. For example, if you are in an airline business and you know from prior visits that a customer does not own a car than there is no need to provide information on how and where to park his car. Why remove flight arrivals information if you know that the visitor wants to pick a passenger from the airport? There is no need to show him a big reservation visit if he has already booked a flight.
Having a responsive web design in place is great step. But the design should be REALLY RESPONSIVE to the needs of the users besides being responsive to the devices they are using. So this is a call-to-action for all designers out there: get to know the visitors of the sites you are designing for, try to determine his or her wishes, her customer journey, and make beautiful designs that respond to that!
The professionals at WebManna Website Design and Marketing are experienced in providing complete solution to all your design and web marketing problems. All you need is to go ahead give them a call. They are always happy to talk with anyone regarding marketing. No pressure, no expectations, just the opportunity to hear what you are up to and see how they can support you.