Have you ever thought that your website design may be annoying? It is necessary to know what visitors hate the most about a website and which factors they categorize as annoying if you want them to keep coming back for business. This post throws light on some of the most annoying factors that if removed from your website can spur really good response from customers.
Consider a website with a really attractive flash header loaded with graphics and background music. The first impression created by this outlook really impressed you but as soon as you click on something, the header restarts with all the animation and graphics and this is repeated every time you click on something on that website. The initial impression made by the website is now tarnished and now the header annoys you more than pleasing you. This was only one example of an annoying web design. Following factors will help you decide weather your website design have been annoying to customers:
- Background music: If you are not operating an online radio station or selling music CDs, there is genuinely no need to play music in the background as after a period of time t starts annoying visitors.
- Large font size: Too large font size indicates that you are shouting. Unless you are targeting disabled people, do not go for a huge font size. People do not like to be shouted at. Keep it normal sized.
- Small font size: Do not keep the font size too small either. It should be middle of the range.
- Over lapping layers: layers are usually very effective, but when they re put up unnecessarily, they annoy the visitors. Do not try to get your message through by throwing it at the face of the visitor. Instead try to convince them subtly.
- Pop ups: although pop ups have now been blocked up by different tools, still the webmasters keep on using them. The most annoying part is that some of the most important information is missed due to anti popup tools.
The professionals at WebManna Website Design and Marketing are experienced in providing complete solution to all your design and web marketing problems. All you need is to go ahead give them a call. They are always happy to talk with anyone regarding marketing. No pressure, no expectations, just the opportunity to hear what you are up to and see how they can support you.
Is your website design annoying?
Consider a website with a really attractive flash header loaded with graphics and background music. The first impression created by this outlook really impressed you but as soon as you click on something, the header restarts with all the animation and graphics and this is repeated every time you click on something on that website. The initial impression made by the website is now tarnished and now the header annoys you more than pleasing you. This was only one example of an annoying web design. Following factors will help you decide weather your website design have been annoying to customers:
The professionals at WebManna Website Design and Marketing are experienced in providing complete solution to all your design and web marketing problems. All you need is to go ahead give them a call. They are always happy to talk with anyone regarding marketing. No pressure, no expectations, just the opportunity to hear what you are up to and see how they can support you.