Contents of a User centered web design
A user centered website is the one which is designed keeping in mind how users interact with the website. Since a web page is designed to assist the users in some way or the other, it should be built around satisfying them to every extent possible. Following are the pre requisites of a user centered web design.
Understand what the users want:
Users react to a website in the same way as they react to a physical location such as a store. Hence aesthetic appeal is of utmost importance since it makes the first impression. Users look for quality content which can fulfill their requirements. Sometimes the content is even more important than the design itself. Don’t expect users to read everything on your page. Remember they are looking for a specific thing and if they are not able to find it on your page, they will just press the back button and continue searching rendering all your efforts useless.
Keep it simple:
Users don’t want the hassle. They don’t want to fall victims of complications. They want the information they are looking for in a simplistic manner. Hence your page should be kept as simple as possible with easy navigation system. This reduces the confusion. The visitor does not have to comprehend and wander about how the system works. The effectiveness of 1-2-3 done steps and large buttons cannot be overlooked in this regard.
Don’t squander users’ patience
Do not put conditions on users for using the website. A simple requirement of entering their email address in order to access the information they require can infuriate them. It can lead to a harsh decision of never visiting your site again in the future. This will in turn have a negative impact on the image of your site also reducing traffic.
Use effective writing and language:
The content on your web page should be concise and to the point. Talk business in your written stuff. Users perceive online content differently than print. Adjust your style according to consumer preferences. Besides being concise, the content should be rich in clarity. Use simple and clear language in your content. Moreover credibility of the content is also essential.
By following these simple guidelines, you can design a web page that is highly customer centered and can generate traffic for you.
The professionals at WebManna Website Design and Marketing are experienced in providing complete solution to all your design and web marketing problems. All you need is to go ahead give them a call. They are always happy to talk with anyone regarding marketing. No pressure, no expectations, just the opportunity to hear what you are up to and see how they can support you.
Contents of a User centered web design
Contents of a User centered web design
Understand what the users want:
Users react to a website in the same way as they react to a physical location such as a store. Hence aesthetic appeal is of utmost importance since it makes the first impression. Users look for quality content which can fulfill their requirements. Sometimes the content is even more important than the design itself. Don’t expect users to read everything on your page. Remember they are looking for a specific thing and if they are not able to find it on your page, they will just press the back button and continue searching rendering all your efforts useless.
Keep it simple:
Users don’t want the hassle. They don’t want to fall victims of complications. They want the information they are looking for in a simplistic manner. Hence your page should be kept as simple as possible with easy navigation system. This reduces the confusion. The visitor does not have to comprehend and wander about how the system works. The effectiveness of 1-2-3 done steps and large buttons cannot be overlooked in this regard.
Don’t squander users’ patience
Do not put conditions on users for using the website. A simple requirement of entering their email address in order to access the information they require can infuriate them. It can lead to a harsh decision of never visiting your site again in the future. This will in turn have a negative impact on the image of your site also reducing traffic.
Use effective writing and language:
The content on your web page should be concise and to the point. Talk business in your written stuff. Users perceive online content differently than print. Adjust your style according to consumer preferences. Besides being concise, the content should be rich in clarity. Use simple and clear language in your content. Moreover credibility of the content is also essential.
By following these simple guidelines, you can design a web page that is highly customer centered and can generate traffic for you.
The professionals at WebManna Website Design and Marketing are experienced in providing complete solution to all your design and web marketing problems. All you need is to go ahead give them a call. They are always happy to talk with anyone regarding marketing. No pressure, no expectations, just the opportunity to hear what you are up to and see how they can support you.