Palm Beach marketing has never been easy, but now that there are more options than ever, it’s become confusing as well. You have so many ways in which to interact with others that it’s become a challenge to choose the ‘best’ way to connect with audiences. And is there a ‘best’ way? WebManna marketing wants you to know your options.
Social Media and Interaction Frequency
What you need to keep in mind is that marketing needs will vary, depending on the business’ focus. Some will need to interact with customers constantly, while others will only need to have a static website.
- Facebook can be a great way to interact in both ways. Not only can you simply create a static site that relays your information to interested party, or you can create a dialogue with an audience via continuous status updates.
- Twitter can work in the same way. You can schedule tweets to happen regularly, without interaction. Or you can set up tweets whenever you have a thought you want to share.
This post is going to be the first of many that debates Facebook and Twitter for your business, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, contact WebManna to learn more about Palm Beach marketing and to set up your new campaign.
Facebook vs. Twitter – Part One
Palm Beach marketing has never been easy, but now that there are more options than ever, it’s become confusing as well. You have so many ways in which to interact with others that it’s become a challenge to choose the ‘best’ way to connect with audiences. And is there a ‘best’ way? WebManna marketing wants you to know your options.
Social Media and Interaction Frequency
What you need to keep in mind is that marketing needs will vary, depending on the business’ focus. Some will need to interact with customers constantly, while others will only need to have a static website.
This post is going to be the first of many that debates Facebook and Twitter for your business, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, contact WebManna to learn more about Palm Beach marketing and to set up your new campaign.